Plates with support

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  • Compositions: Iron
  • Size: 34 x 24 cm

Discover in our extensive catalog plates with support for color and laser marking. In the plates with support we usually include important and relevant information related to the award or recognition that is being delivered. This may include the name of the award, a mention of the event being held, the category in which it is awarded, the name of the recipient, and the date it is awarded.

The design of plates with support

The design of our plates is legible and aesthetically pleasing. For this, we use a clear and easy-to-read typography, taking into account that the size of the text is adequate so that the information is legible from a certain distance. In addition, we consider visual elements such as decorative borders, engravings or patterns that complement the overall design of the trophy or award.

Quality material for your plate with support

Stand plates are made of high-quality and durable materials such as metal, acrylic or wood. It is important to choose a material that complements the overall design of the figure and that will withstand the passage of time, preventing it from deteriorating or wearing out easily.

Placement of the appropriate support for the plate

Our plaque holders are designed with the trophy or award securely attached to it. Whether using screws, adhesives or other fixing methods, it is essential to ensure that the plate is securely attached and does not come off easily.

Maintenance and care of plates with support

Our support plates are easy to maintain and care for, so they are easy to clean. By choosing suitable materials and finishes, we ensure that the panel maintains its appearance and legibility over time.

Plate customization are support

Supported plates provide an excellent opportunity for additional customization. In addition to the basic information, you can add additional details, a special message or an inspirational quote related to the achievement. These additional details make the plaque more meaningful and unique to the recipient.

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